Thank you for visiting my art blog! I am an artist in southern California, and this blog is about my journey into art. My art is mixed media original art, and very often my vehicle for sharing is a greeting card. I paint and ink and stamp and rip and shred and glue and emboss, but no designer paper is harmed in the making of my collages. It all starts with blank paper.

April 27, 2012

Aw, Can I Keep It?

One of my best customers (okay, my mom) mentioned that she has a hard time giving away my cards.  Join the club!  Sometimes I miss my work when I give it away or sell it.  I have to keep reminding myself that spreading the joy is the whole point, right?

This card (that I want to keep) is for one of my BFF's Peg whose birthday is today, and no, I didn't spell her name wrong.  I ran into her yesterday at the art store, where I run into her once a week it seems, and we got to talking about our names for some reason.  I told her I didn't like seeing Pam in writing, preferring Pamela, and she said she much preferred Meg to Peg.  So there you go, custom work at its best.  (And I am appreciative of my own procrastination in not getting her card done until last night.)

And I am still lamenting a large custom work that I just delivered the other day.  (Where is it?!  It's been on the table for so long!)  I will be posting an image of it soon, but it has to be gifted first for Mother's Day.  Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise...

Oh, and happy birthday, Megasus!  (Just doesn't have the same effect.)

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